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Auth0 Marketplace: Add Identity Proofing to Your Applications

How to leverage Identity Proofing to increase trust in your applications.

October 05, 2020

Self-registration, i.e., the process that allows users to create their credentials, is a common approach to onboarding users in applications. It offers users autonomy and frees from any manual backend processing. However, in some contexts, typical self-registration may be insufficient. You may need to go beyond the simple e-mail verification and use Identity Proofing services to confidently identify your users.

What is Identity Proofing?

So, your application uses Auth0 to authenticate users. They can register by providing their own credentials and profile information or access through enterprise connections. Your application can even access their profile, but how can you make sure that your users are who they claim to be? This is the goal of Identity Proofing services. By integrating them into the Auth0 login flow, you can verify their actual identity during the registration or the login process.

Using Identity Proofing services is mandatory when the user identity is a critical factor. Think of scenarios like patient onboarding in a telemedicine system, candidate registration for hiring purposes, student sign in to take an online exam, online transactions in bank and e-commerce activities. In these scenarios, you need to verify that the claimed identity matches the user's actual identity.

Check out this article to learn more about the business value of Identity Proofing services.

Meet Our Identity Proofing Providers

The Auth0 Marketplace provides you with a few integrations from our partners that help you add Identity Proofing services in your applications. You can do it by adding those integrations in the Auth0 login flow. You just need an Auth0 account and an account in our partners' platforms. The rest is just a matter of configuration.

In fact, the Identity Proofing services offered by our partners are implemented as Auth0 Rules that require a simple setup, for example, entering the provider's keys. Let's take a look at the integrations offered by our Identity Proofing partners.

Meet Onfido

With the Onfido Identity Verification integration, you will be able to verify the actual user identity through a photo ID and facial biometrics. Onfido is a leader in digital Identity Proofing and uses a hybrid approach based on machine learning and human experts to eliminate fraud.

Onfido Identity Verification

The Auth0 rule implementing the integration redirects the user to the Onfido application during the login to perform the identity verification. You can configure the interaction between Auth0 and Onfido to happen synchronously or asynchronously.

Take a look at the Onfido Identity Verification page to get more details.

Meet ID DataWeb

ID DataWeb offers an Identity Proofing integration based on its Attribute Exchange Network (AXN). Their service provides your application with three identity verification methods: MobileMatch, BioGovID, and Dynamic KBA. You can also configure a multi-step process for validating the user's identity with the Identity Verification Workflow.

ID DataWeb Verification

The ID DataWeb Verification integration redirects users to the Identity Proofing workflow. It typically happens at the first user login and the validation result is shared with Auth0.

The ID DataWeb Verification page in the Auth0 Marketplace will guide you through the integration configuration.

Meet Vouched

In addition to identity verification, Vouched specializes in gathering financial information and insurance vetting. It uses machine learning techniques to guarantee a fast and accurate verification.

Vouched ID Verification

The Vouched integration is implemented as an Auth0 rule that is executed at login time. Among other options, you can configure that rule to instruct the service on how to handle unverified users.

More information on installing and configuring the integration is available on the installation tab of the Vouched integration page.

Meet Caisson

The Caisson ID Check integration, provided by Caisson, validates and extracts information from driver licenses and passports and is able to process hundreds of different photo ID types. It applies machine learning technologies and advanced facial comparison algorithms. The whole verification process requires less than 45 seconds.

Caisson ID Check

As with all the Identity Proofing integrations illustrated in this article, the Caisson ID Check integration is implemented as an Auth0 Rule that redirects users to the partner's service. During the configuration, you have the opportunity to specify when to perform the identity validation and its frequency.

Please, check out the installation tab of the integration page to get more information.


This overview of Identity Proofing shows how you can empower your users' digital trust relationship. Identity Proofing helps you prevent fraud, especially in scenarios where the user's actual identity is crucial. The Auth0 Marketplace provides you with easy-to-use integrations from the best Identity Proofing providers on the market.

All integrations in the Marketplace are pre-validated by Auth0, so you know you can trust them. Also, you can get support for the integrations directly from the experts that created them. Finally, if there is an integration that you would like to see in the Marketplace, you can request it here. You can also submit your own integration if you'd like to share it with other developers.

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