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Angular Denver 2019 - A Rock 'N Rolling Event

Auth0's Kim Maida, Sam Julien, and Ado Kukic gave talks at Angular Denver with Kapehe Jorgenson being the emcee for the conference

August 06, 2019

There was a large Auth0 presence at Angular Denver this year. Three gave talks: Kim Maida, Sam Julien, and Ado Kukic. And the event's emcee: Kapehe Jorgenson.

Angular Denver's second year was a hit and the rock 'n roll theme fit just right. Speakers and attendees came from all over the globe to join together. We talked about Angular, tech, and networked amongst each other. Hosted by the team of BrieBug, no detail was forgotten and the speakers provided excellent content.

Angular Denver's Logo

With over 50 speakers, the content covered all things Angular. Talk titles ranged from "Debugging Your Angular App 101" to "MockStores in NgRx 8" to "Diversity in Tech," just to name a few.

Earlier this year, I had attended ng-conf, where I met the team of BrieBug, Jesse Sanders and Jessica Arbar. From there, the rest is history, and I was invited to be one of the co-emcees for the event. Along with Chris Sevilleja, who is the co-founder of, we hosted a two-track, two-day conference.

Rock 'N Roll Theme

Emceeing a conference that has a rock 'n roll theme gives you permission to now wear all the rock 'n roll stuff. Decked out in a HISS cat t-shirt, neon-purple gloves, and purple hair, I took the theme literally. Everyone seemed to have a great time with the theme this year!

Auth0's Angular Denver Speakers

Kim Maida

Auth0's Kim Maida gave two different talks:

  • 5, 4, 3, 2, 1: Blast Auth!
  • Subjecting State to Good Behavior

While Kim is a Keynote app wizard and delivers some of the most elegant and visually appealing slides, her content is top-quality. The attendees were graced with her knowledge of state management and authentication.

Sam Julien

Sam Julien also gave two talks. His talks were:

  • Building Parallel Universes: Upgrading Huge Apps with Angular Elements
  • Demystifying Token Authentication in NgRx

If one were to want to upgrade from AngularJS to Angular, Sam is your guy. He is the creator of, I guess you could say he knows his Angular stuff.

Ado Kukic

This year, Ado decided to try out a little different approach with his talk and he gave a four-person talk. The talk title was "1x, 10x, 100x" and showed how code could be written in so many different ways, get the same data across, but with a little bit of help, the code can become cleaner and more efficient.

The two emcees showed up in the talk along with Brian Love. Together we showed how code could continually be improved and it was paired up nicely with a fantastic soundtrack.

The Talks

This year at Angular Denver, there were over 50 speakers. That means the attendees got a lot of great information over two days. While I cannot go into each talk, here is the list of talks and the amazing people who delivered those talks:

Note: Videos of each talk were recorded by Pluralsight. When those are made available, I will update this article to have links to those videos.

Track 1 - The Marco Polo Room

Day 1

Day 2

Track 2 - The Four Square Room

Day 1

Day 2


The second year around for Angular Denver was a smashing hit. The speakers brought their best content forward and gave the attendees a great show. If you were there, I would love to hear your thoughts on the conference in the comment section below.

If you have the opportunity next year to attend Angular Denver, I'll see you there!

About Auth0

Auth0 by Okta takes a modern approach to customer identity and enables organizations to provide secure access to any application, for any user. Auth0 is a highly customizable platform that is as simple as development teams want, and as flexible as they need. Safeguarding billions of login transactions each month, Auth0 delivers convenience, privacy, and security so customers can focus on innovation. For more information, visit

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