Change Freeze Policy

Auth0 schedules change freeze periods throughout the year to ensure platform stability and resilience.

During these periods, certain customer activities are restricted.

Upcoming change freeze periods

Start date End date
October 12, 2024 October 20, 2024
November 28, 2024 December 1, 2024
December 21, 2024 January 1, 2025

Load tests

Previously-approved load tests scheduled to occur during a change freeze must be rescheduled.

You may request an exception to this policy. All exception requests require approval of the Senior Vice President of Engineering and the Senior Vice President of Customer Success, and are subject to the discretion of Auth0.

Penetration tests

Previously-approved penetration tests scheduled to occur during a change freeze must be rescheduled.

You may request an exception to this policy. Approval of exception requests are subject to the discretion of Auth0.

Request an exception

You can request an exception to this policy through the Support Center.