Customize Adaptive MFA

You can customize Adaptive MFA for a variety of scenarios with Auth0 Actions.

When to customize Adaptive MFA

If your users are not enrolled in MFA, you should use the default policy for Adaptive MFA. If a user is not enrolled in MFA and your Action assesses a high risk, you have limited options to stop a bad actor.

Before you begin to customize Adaptive MFA, ask yourself a few questions:

  • At what confidence level do you want to trigger MFA?

  • How do you want to measure risk?

  • Do you want Auth0 to measure confidence or do you want a custom measurement?

  • How will you handle users who are not enrolled in MFA?

Evaluate confidence

Adaptive MFA calculates an overall confidence score based on the analysis of three assessments. Each assessment has its own confidence score. To learn more, read Adaptive MFA.

Confidence scores

Confidence scores and their associated actions are described below:

Confidence score Description Action
low Login transaction does not match patterns previously displayed by user. Require MFA.
medium Login transaction somewhat matches patterns previously displayed by user. Do not require MFA.
high Login transaction closely matches patterns previously displayed by user. Do not require MFA.
neutral N/A. Reserved for future use. N/A. Reserved for future use.

Custom confidence scoring

If you want to implement your own method for evaluating the overall confidence score of different scenarios, you can use the data available in the riskAssessment object.

Read the examples below to learn how Adaptive MFA would score the confidence of different use cases.

Examples of high-risk, low-confidence scenarios

The following table describes high-risk scenarios that result in a low confidence score:

User State Desired Login Friction Desired Enrollment Policy Implementation
Enrolled in MFA Do not require MFA N/A (user already enrolled) Use an Action to bypass MFA
Not enrolled in MFA Require email verification Skip enrollment (do not collect additional authenticators) Default behavior (no MFA-related Action)
Not enrolled in MFA Require email verification Require MFA enrollment (collect additional authenticator) Use an Action to force MFA enrollment (template available)

Examples of low-risk, high-confidence scenarios

The following table describes low-risk scenarios that result in a high confidence score:

User State Desired Login Friction Desired Enrollment Policy Implementation
Enrolled in MFA No friction N/A (user already enrolled) Default behavior (no MFA-related Action)
Not enrolled in MFA No friction Skip enrollment (do not collect additional authenticators) Default behavior (no MFA-related Action)
Not enrolled in MFA No friction Require MFA enrollment (collect additional authenticator) Use an Action to force MFA enrollment (template available)

riskAssessment object

The riskAssessment object contains the overall confidence score, versioning information, and details of the individual assessments.

Property Description Type Possible values
confidence Overall confidence score calculated by Adaptive MFA. string low, medium, high, neutral
version Version identifier of risk assessment API. string 1
assessments Object containing individual assessment details. object Read assessments object

exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
  if (event.authentication && event.authentication.riskAssessment) {
    event.authentication.riskAssessment = {
      confidence: 'low' | 'medium' | 'high' | 'neutral',
      version: '1',
      assessments: {
        UntrustedIP: {
          confidence: 'low' | 'medium' | 'high' | 'neutral',
          code: 'not_found_on_deny_list' | 'found_on_deny_list',
          details: { // only if 'found_on_deny_list'
            ip: '',
            matches: '192.168.0/64',
            source: 'firehol',
            category: 'abuse'
        NewDevice: {
          confidence: 'low' | 'medium' | 'high' | 'neutral',
          code: 'match' | 'partial_match' | 'no_match',
          details: {
            device: 'known' | 'unknown',
            useragent: 'known' | 'unknown',
        ImpossibleTravel: {
          confidence: 'low' | 'medium' | 'high' | 'neutral',
          code: 'missing_geoip', | 'anonymous_proxy' | 'unknown_location' | 'initial_login' | 'location_history_not_found' | 'invalid_travel' | 'minimal_travel_from_last_login' | 'impossible_travel_from_last_login' | 'substantial_travel_from_last_login' | 'travel_from_last_login'
       PhoneNumber: {
          code: "requires_verification | ok",
          confidence: "low | medium | high | neutral",
          details: {
	            isValid: true | false,
		        countryCode: 1,
		        number: "+12223334444"

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assessments object

The assessments object contains details of the three individual risk assessments:

  1. NewDevice assessment

  2. ImpossibleTravel assessment

  3. UntrustedIP assessment  

  4. PhoneNumber assessment

Each assessment includes a confidence score, a code that describes the evaluation result, and additional contextual information.

NewDevice assessment

The NewDevice assessment determines if the user is logging in from a known device and contains the following properties:

Property Description Type Possible values
confidence Confidence score calculated by Adaptive MFA. string low, medium, high, neutral
code Evaluation result of the assessment. string match, partial_match, no_match, initial_login, unknown_device, no_device_history, assessment_not_available
details Additional contextual information. object Refer to table below.

NewDevice assessment code property

The NewDevice assessment code property equals one of the following values:

Value Description
match The property values of the details object are equivalent.
partial_match The property values of the details object are similar.
no_match The property values of the details object are different.
initial_login The user logged in for the first time on the device.
unknown_device Auth0 was unable to attain metadata for the device.
no_device_history There is no login history associated with the device.
assessment_not_available Auth0 could not perform an assessment of the device.

NewDevice assessment details object

If the code property value equals match, partial_match, or no_match, the NewDevice assessment contains the details object with the following properties:

Property Description Type Possible values
device Device of the user. string known, unknown
useragent User agent of the user. string known, unknown

ImpossibleTravel assessment

The ImpossibleTravel assessment determines if the user is logging in from a location that would indicate impossible travel and contains the following properties:

Property Description Type Possible values
confidence Confidence score calculated by Adaptive MFA. string low, medium, high, neutral
code Evaluation result of the assessment. string minimal_travel_from_last_login, travel_from_last_login, substantial_travel_from_last_login, impossible_travel_from_last_login, invalid_travel, missing_geoip, anonymous_proxy, unknown_location, initial_login, location_history_not_found, assessment_not_available

UntrustedIP assessment

The UntrustedIP assessment determines if the user’s IP address is present in Auth0’s repository of low-reputation IP addresses (“deny list”) and contains the following properties:

Property Description Type Possible values
confidence Confidence score calculated by Adaptive MFA. string low, medium, high, neutral
code Evaluation result of the assessment. string not_found_on_deny_list, found_on_deny_list, invalid_ip_address, assessment_not_available
details Additional contextual information. object Refer to table below.

UntrustedIP assessment details object

If the UntrustedIP assessment code property value equals found_on_deny_list, the details object is present and contains the following properties:

Property Description Type Possible values
ip IP address of the device. string Any valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.
matches Subnet mask that IP address belongs to. string Any valid IPv4 or IPv6 subnet mask.
source Name of threat intelligence source for the deny list. string Any valid text.
category Category indicating why IP address is untrusted. string abuse, anonymizer, datacenter, reputation, unroutable

UntrustedIP assessment details object category property

The UntrustedIP assessment details object category property describes the general reason why Adaptive MFA considers a given IP address untrusted and equals one of the following values:

Value Description
abuse IP address exhibited abusive behaviors or was found to be member of bot nets.
anonymizer IP address belongs to anonymizing services such as VPN providers, open proxies, and TOR exit nodes.
datacenter IP address belongs to cloud hosting providers and colocation datacenters.
reputation IP address has a poor reputation score based on activity.
unroutable IP address is not in any range allocated or delegated by any authorized Internet registry or allowed for public use.

PhoneNumber assessment

The PhoneNumber assessment assesses the risk of a phone number for an incoming transaction and contains the following properties:

Property Description Type Possible values
code Describes the evaluation result. string ok, requires_verification, phone_number_not_provided, assessment_not_available
confidence Confidence score calculated by Adaptive MFA. string low, medium, high, neutral
details Additional contextual information. object Refer to table below.

PhoneNumber assessment details object

The PhoneNumber assessment details object contains the following properties:

Property Description Type Possible values
isValid Returns the validity of the number boolean true, false
countryCode Country code of the phone origin integer 0-999
number Phone number string Valid number including countryCode

Action result outcomes

If any of your Actions trigger MFA based on confidence score, the default Adaptive MFA policy triggers MFA when the confidence score is low.

The following table shows the possible outcomes based on the combination of Actions and default Adaptive MFA policy actions.

Action result Adaptive MFA action Outcome
Unauthorized Trigger MFA Unauthorized
Unauthorized No MFA Required Unauthorized
Trigger MFA Trigger MFA Trigger MFA
Trigger MFA No MFA Required Trigger MFA
No MFA Required Trigger MFA Trigger MFA
No MFA Required No MFA Required No MFA Required

Action templates

Auth0 provides two Action templates based on Adaptive MFA for you to customize: Adaptive MFA and Require MFA Enrollment.

Adaptive MFA template

This template provides an example and starting point for how to build a custom business flow using individual risk assessments.

* Handler that will be called during the execution of a PostLogin flow.
* @param {Event} event - Details about the user and the context in which they are logging in.
* @param {PostLoginAPI} api - Interface whose methods can be used to change the behavior of the login.
exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
  if (event.authentication && 
      event.authentication.riskAssessment && 
      event.authentication.riskAssessment.assessments.NewDevice) {

  // Example condition: prompt MFA only based on the NewDevice 
    // confidence level, this will prompt for MFA when a user is logging in 
    // from an unknown device.
    let shouldPromptMfa;

    switch (event.authentication.riskAssessment.assessments.NewDevice.confidence) {
      case 'low':
      case 'medium':
        shouldPromptMfa = true;
      case 'high':
        shouldPromptMfa = false;
      case 'neutral':
        // When this assessor has no useful information about the confidence, 
        // do not prompt MFA.
        shouldPromptMfa = false;

      // It only makes sense to prompt for MFA when the user has at least one 
      // enrolled MFA factor.
    const canPromptMfa = event.user.multifactor && event.user.multifactor.length > 0;

    if (shouldPromptMfa && canPromptMfa) {
      api.multifactor.enable('any', { allowRememberBrowser: true });

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Require MFA Enrollment template

This template demonstrates how you could enforce MFA enrollment when using a standard or Adaptive MFA policy. It uses event.user.multifactor to check if the user is enrolled in MFA, and if they’re not, prompts for enrollment.

* Handler that will be called during the execution of a PostLogin flow.
* @param {Event} event - Details about the user and the context in which they are logging in.
* @param {PostLoginAPI} api - Interface whose methods can be used to change the behavior of the login.
exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
  if (!event.user.multifactor || event.user.multifactor.length == 0) {
    api.multifactor.enable('any', { allowRememberBrowser: true });

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Action use cases

Here are some suggestions for how to build custom Actions based on your use case.

Perform an action if overall confidence score is X

Assess the riskAssessment.confidence property, and then compare it with the constants high, medium, or low:

exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
  const { riskAssessment } = event.authentication || {};
  const riskIsMedium = riskAssessment && riskAssessment.confidence === 'medium';

  if (riskIsMedium) {
    // ....

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Perform an action if confidence score is above or below X

Confidence scores are discrete values—not in a range—so you cannot use comparison operators (such as < or >) to evaluate multiple values in a single condition.

Use multiple conditions to logically combine all the confidence scores you want to handle. For example, if you want to know when the confidence score is greater than low, check if it’s equal to medium or high:

exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
  const { riskAssessment } = event.authentication || {};
  const riskIsMediumOrHigh = riskAssessment && 
                                  (riskAssessment.confidence === 'high' || 
                                   riskAssessment.confidence === 'medium');

  if (riskIsMediumOrHigh) {
    // ...

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Get additional details if overall confidence score is X

The riskAssessment object is saved in your tenant logs. You can view log entries to see the risk assessment score and the determining factors (reasons).

You can view the riskAssessment object and report the results elsewhere. For example, you can send an email or save a record in an external database.

exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
  const { riskAssessment } = event.authentication || {};
  const riskIsLow = riskAssessment && riskAssessment.confidence === 'low';

  if (riskIsLow) {
    // log(externalDatabase, riskAssessment);

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Perform an action if a specific assessment has a specific result

Use the assessments object to access the details for individual assessments, including the code property:

exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
  const { riskAssessment } = event.authentication || {};
  const { ImpossibleTravel } = riskAssessment && riskAssessment.assessments;

  if (ImpossibleTravel.code === 'impossible_travel_from_last_login') {
    // ...

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Aggregate assessments for a custom overall confidence score.

Use the assessments object to access the details for individual assessments, and then use the confidence property, the code property, or both.

To learn more about custom confidence scoring, read Custom confidence scoring.

Block current transaction and return error and message if a specific assessment has a specific result

Use the assessments object to access the details for individual assessments, including the code property.

Block the login transaction from completing by returning the callback function with an UnauthorizedError object as the error parameter. The UnauthorizedError object always sets error to unauthorized, but you can customize the error_message:

exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
  const { riskAssessment } = event.authentication || {};
  const { ImpossibleTravel } = riskAssessment && riskAssessment.assessments;

  if (ImpossibleTravel.code === 'impossible_travel_from_last_login') {
    return api.access.deny('Login blocked due to impossible travel detected.')

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This redirects the user back to the application's callback URL with the error and error_message parameters included.

Safely handle when Auth0 fails to execute assessments

Auth0 automatically assigns a low confidence score if there is any sort of failure performing the risk assessment.

To mitigate this scenario, use the assessments object to inspect the code property for each individual assessment and check if the value is set to assessment_not_available.

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