- React
rrtr is Dead. Here are Some React Router Alternatives.
- Angular
AngularJS Authentication Screencast Series - Part 1
- Golang
Authentication in Golang with JWTs
- JHipster
Easily Generate a Full-Stack Java + JavaScript App with JHipster
- Immutable
Introduction to Immutable.js and Functional Programming Concepts
Learn about functional data structures and their uses in this overview of Facebook's popular library for JavaScript: Immutable.js
- Lock
Getting Started with Lock episode 3: Redirect vs Popup Mode
This episode shows the difference in Lock between Redirect and Popup modes.
- Benchmarks
JavaScript Module Systems Showdown: CommonJS vs AMD vs ES2015
Learn about the different JavaScript module systems currently in use, and find out which will be the best option for your project.
- Hapi
HapiJS Authentication - Secure Your API With JWT
HapiJS is a great framework for building NodeJS APIs. Get started with HapiJS Authentication to create users and protect your API endpoints.
- Performance
12 Steps to a Faster Web App
Are you following these tips? If not, learn how to create a faster web app!
- Ionic
Ionic 2 Authentication: How to Secure Your Mobile App with JWT
Ionic 2 Beta has been released. Learn how to add JWT authentication to your Ionic 2 app and make secure calls to an API.
- Parse
How to migrate your existing users from Parse to Auth0
Parse is shutting down on January 28, 2017. Learn how to easily migrate your users to Auth0, diversify risks and earn more features as a bonus
- Lock
Getting Started with Lock Episode 2: Using Customization Options
- Android
Authenticate on Android Using Social Logins